Veritas NetBackup™ Administrator's Guide, Volume I
Synopsis. When acting in pass-through mode, apachectl can take all the arguments available for the httpd binary. apachectl [ httpd-argument]. When acting in SysV init mode, apachectl takes simple, one-word commands, defined below. apachectl command Set up the Gremlin Console to Connect to a Neptune DB :remote connect tinkerpop.server conf/neptune-remote.yaml At the gremlin> prompt, enter the following to switch to remote mode. This sends all Gremlin queries to the remote connection. MailArchiva / Discussion / Help: Web login not working, no Jul 08, 2010
Basic Usage: Server - HHVM
Splunk Forwarder 6.1.4 - no site defined in server.conf, Could not bind to Port 8090 forwarder port server.conf featured · answered Aug 20, '19 by woodcock 84.1k
Splunk Forwarder 6.1.4 - no site defined in server.conf, Could not bind to Port 8090 forwarder port server.conf featured · answered Aug 20, '19 by woodcock 84.1k
Changing sslPassword in server.conf - Splunk Community